‘Electronics & Communication Engineering’ is a fascinating course to study. Isn’t amazing to know that a small circuit board containing electromagnetic components could do wonders? It can control the entire functionality of any gadget to produce the desired result be it to signal processing, transmission, wireless communication, control engineering etc.
This branch of engineering has emerged with time and advancement of technology and has lots to offer. This branch sprang out from the invention of the telegraph and thereon extended its dimensions many-folds from the radio, the telephone, television, satellite communication to control engineering, instrumentation, VLSI design and now it is allied with robotics also. This is a promising field in near future as India is moving towards self-reliant in the technology sector.
By studying this course one gets the adequate knowledge about:
- Signals and its modulation, demodulation amplification, filtration, compression, error checking
- Transmission of information across the channel and its modulation
- Power consumption, signal strength, waveguides, radio frequency, temperature control through sensors
- Embedded system design and very large scale integrations