‘Bachelor of Computer Applications’ as the name itself speaks-out is the course that demonstrates sound knowledge in key areas of computer science or industrial computing. It also carries out the required analysis and synthesis involved in computer systems, information systems, and computer applications.
Increasing trend of computerization of every aspect of business & services has created a wide variety of jobs such as system administrators & developers, software programmers, Software development & design, training & development etc. and this course has become one of the popular options to make a career in computer applications & information technology.
This program also provides a sound academic base for an advanced career in computer application.
By study this course one gets the adequate knowledge about:
- Basic Mathematics & Communication Skill
- Computer & Programming Fundamentals
- PC software, Software Engineering
- Logical Organization of Computers
- C, C++ & Java programming
- Structured System Analysis & Design
- Introduction to various Operating Systems
- Data Structure & Introduction to Database Management System, Data Communication & Networking
- Web Designing, Visual Basic, and Introduction to .net
- Management Information System, E-Commerce
- Artificial Technology